Monitoring and Enforcement of Forum Rules
Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2020 11:18 pm
This is a message from Big R, 72 Hen, HENJOHN, Henny, and HensRock...
As many of you may remember, several years ago we decided that posts on the Board had become so toxic (mostly in The Hen House), that he shut down the site for several months. When it returned, he had added "The Roost" and included both the "Forum Rules" and a link at the top of the Forum that said: "Please read this before posting here!". He also provided several posters - 72 Hen, HENJOHN, HENNY and Big R, with full administrative capabilities, including the ability to edit and/or delete posts. While each individual has, at times, made use of this capability, none have taken it upon themselves to work with the others in a concerted effort to police the board in a way that truly enforces the rules and guidelines set forth in those two places.
Many long-time and respected posters have stopped posting altogether and, as we've talked to them about the reasons, the most common response has been that a few posters have poisoned the board by ignoring the rules to the point that many people hardly read or contribute to the board at all, which is a shame.
In an effort to get back to a civil and welcoming web site designed to "Promote UD Football" (HensRock's original goal), HensRock and the original monitors, along with Henny, are now going to be applying their monitoring capabilities much more stringently. Some posts will clearly be subject to such actions since they will be in obvious violation of the rules. Others may fall into a "gray area" in which case at least two monitors will have to agree that there is a violation.
We are not reinventing the wheel - we are simply planning to enforce the rules that HensRock had set forth when he originally created The Roost. So, if you are going to post something that is in violation, please think twice. Otherwise, don't be surprised to find it edited or deleted. Repeat offenders will be in jeopardy of being banned from GoHens. That is not our hope or intent, but we won't hesitate to take such actions to get the board back to a place where a larger audience is willing to read and participate. Also, please note that these rules apply to ALL forums - not just The Roost.
Thank you for your understanding and anticipated adherence to the rules and guidelines which are reiterated (now in green background) at the top of every forum.
Big R, 72 Hen, HENJOHN, Henny, and HensRock
As many of you may remember, several years ago we decided that posts on the Board had become so toxic (mostly in The Hen House), that he shut down the site for several months. When it returned, he had added "The Roost" and included both the "Forum Rules" and a link at the top of the Forum that said: "Please read this before posting here!". He also provided several posters - 72 Hen, HENJOHN, HENNY and Big R, with full administrative capabilities, including the ability to edit and/or delete posts. While each individual has, at times, made use of this capability, none have taken it upon themselves to work with the others in a concerted effort to police the board in a way that truly enforces the rules and guidelines set forth in those two places.
Many long-time and respected posters have stopped posting altogether and, as we've talked to them about the reasons, the most common response has been that a few posters have poisoned the board by ignoring the rules to the point that many people hardly read or contribute to the board at all, which is a shame.
In an effort to get back to a civil and welcoming web site designed to "Promote UD Football" (HensRock's original goal), HensRock and the original monitors, along with Henny, are now going to be applying their monitoring capabilities much more stringently. Some posts will clearly be subject to such actions since they will be in obvious violation of the rules. Others may fall into a "gray area" in which case at least two monitors will have to agree that there is a violation.
We are not reinventing the wheel - we are simply planning to enforce the rules that HensRock had set forth when he originally created The Roost. So, if you are going to post something that is in violation, please think twice. Otherwise, don't be surprised to find it edited or deleted. Repeat offenders will be in jeopardy of being banned from GoHens. That is not our hope or intent, but we won't hesitate to take such actions to get the board back to a place where a larger audience is willing to read and participate. Also, please note that these rules apply to ALL forums - not just The Roost.
Thank you for your understanding and anticipated adherence to the rules and guidelines which are reiterated (now in green background) at the top of every forum.
Big R, 72 Hen, HENJOHN, Henny, and HensRock