UD golf teams/coaches

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tenn hen
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UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

I read the article on woman's golf success at the Badger Tournament- way to go ladies :D
The photo of the team was impressive so I thought I'd research the players/coaches of the program.
I recalled reading a while ago about the husband of the head coach being hired as an assistant to his wife. I had wondered at the thought of nepotism at UD then, but hey it's commonplace these days in all areas of life. In politics(this is not a biased political statement) BOTH parties are examples of this and many other abuses of power. Again=NOT a political swipe at either party.
I wonder why we need assistant coaches when the rosters for both teams are so small(6 and 11). This is a minor matter, but seems wasteful of university funding if these are paid assistants? Can knowledgeable source provide details? concerning my investigative journalism? :lol: :roll: :wink:
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

Nice to see some discussion about the golf program. Both teams got off to a good start. Ladies with a great win and the men had a lead late in the last round to come up just short and finish 2nd in their opener. Can’t answer your question on nepotism at UD. Both Patty and Brendon Post worked together at Georgetown as well before coming to UD. Both are extremely well qualified and bring a remarkably high level of professionalism to the program. Prior to their arrival the men’s program had been coached by basically managers running the program not PGA professionals (club professionals not to be confused with PGA tour professionals). Brendan still plays a lot of competitive golf in local PGA section events. For a few years, Patty was listed as the only head coach for both programs when the former men’s coach retired (cost savings maybe?) but titles have changed over the last few years and athletics spending has increased across all programs. Logistically there is a need for assistant coaches. A lot of weekends (like this past weekend) both teams are away at separate events. At the tournament, the team is spread out on the course so having an assistant is good for covering more players and relaying relevant information. Think Ryder cup as an example with all the assistants to the captain. The assistant coaches are paid positions. I remember seeing the job posting for the most recent hire. It was not much. Is it wasteful spending? It’s not much in the grand scheme. Could you get by and not have an assistant for both programs? Probably. For years when I played we didn’t have an assistant. But if you are committed to having these programs and you want them to succeed then it’s not a lot of extra expense and improves the overall performance and perception of the program to potential recruits.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

agreed and figured the cost was minor, but still. I understand about dual locations but with the # involved will there really be a split happening? so I don't see that as an issue. I also have no questions about the capability of these assistants or head coaches. Actually I don't like the spouses or any relatives involved since it can lead to questions.
Udverve- Thanks for responding. I noticed this is your 1st post.-great -
no worries- no protest demonstrations planned on campus :lol: :lol:
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

My pleasure tenn hen. Long time lurker even before joining the board. Maybe I will post more since I got my first post out of the way :lol: . I agree with you on the relative/spouse hires. Genuinely don't think its a good idea for the same reasons.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by mpwerrell »

A few observations:

-Both Posts report directly to CR. I have not heard any issues with this set up. I think the objection about nepotism is conceptual not based in UD’s reality.
-Only four coaches across both programs.
-it’s not only about coaching but you need assistants to go and recruit.

As we put our “big boy” pants on to join CUSA and other conferences, great coaching with the appropriate number of assistants will be necessary.

All college sports are changing, not just the so-called money sports.

Welcome aboard Uderve!
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Jaxhen1 »

Impressive No. 1 finish for the Lady Hens in what appears to be a pretty strong field.

“The University of Delaware women's golf team opened the 2024-25 season in dominant fashion, coming away with a seven-stroke victory at the 13-team Badger Invitational, hosted by the University of Wisconsin. The Blue Hens finished at the top of a field that included five Power Four programs and three other teams that qualified for the 2024 NCAA Championships.”

https://bluehens.com/news/2024/9/10/wom ... vitational

https://bluehens.com/documents/2024/9/1 ... ESULTS.pdf
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

new shirts for our mens golf team pic today-green with black pants- Whoo Hoo :roll: Adidas rules us :lol:
actually, I like the looks of the shirts(color and all), but they don't represent our school- no matter :shock:
I see you've signed on Udverve- I figure you'll have a thought as well.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

Yep tenn hen, I saw those shirts and immediately thought no. Not only the color but not a fan of that collar either. Some of the outfits the ladies and mens have are sharp. Not this one for me.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

I am jealous though of all the options they have. Back in the day we had 2 shirts and that was it. Maybe a third option if the starting 5 had been on the team for 4 years. The gear Adidas provides is pretty substantial.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

good to see your response Verve :D I agree about the collar
So you played for UD-right?
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

Yes, in the early 90's.
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

Verve-I played golf as a fish in the 60's as you can surmise. got a story for you. If I recall correctly(60 years ago), my scoring average was about the same as another freshmen throughout the year who I practiced with often, but I didn't get invited back by the coach whose name shall remain protected. The reason was pretty simple, he was brought in on scholarship- not I. :lol: logical, but deflating :roll: regardless, I wasn't Arnold Palmer :wink:
got one for me Verve?
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by Udverve »

Sorry Tenn Hen. Tough one. I may have had the same coach for a little bit. Tons of stories, a lot of great times. Playing golf on high school and college teams is just the best. Free travel, food, golf, doesn't get much better. My start was funny. I had been a soccer and golfer at a local high school here in Delaware. So fall was always soccer. Never occurred to me that college golf was year round. Never contacted the coach ahead a time. First day of classes and a buddy of mine who was going to try out said he had contacted the coach and said we needed to be there that afternoon. I showed up and the coach was thrilled to see me as well as a couple of upperclassman that knew me. They all thought I had committed to another school. Coach paired me with a couple of the upperclassman and I guess I did alright. :) That was the extent of my tryout. The college golf ecosystem changed while I was there. If you look back at records the team used to play a lot of one day matches against two other teams. By the end of my four years the match day had gone away and it was strictly 2 day tournaments against 10-15 schools. I'll leave with this quick one. My brother was the superintendent at Newark CC our home course then. I worked part time in the mornings on the grounds (not on scholarship :lol:). We had one or two matches at home still and so those days he let me set up the course. I play a natural draw so I set every pin on the left side :lol: The guys on the team that played a cut didn't like it :lol:
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

Funny Verve- talk about connections :lol: I wish I had a natural draw so I could set the course up for my rounds :wink:
score a birdie this weekend but don't shoot one :lol: :roll:
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Re: UD golf teams/coaches

Post by tenn hen »

hey Udverve- long time no hear from. just checked our tennis schedule- not thrilled by the comp dual level schedule, but the tournaments are the rule now for golf and tennis. I remember my coaching days traveling at least 100 miles in a day at them= begun by the distance to the main sight and then around all day to the other 10-15 surrounding school courts to coach where necessary- also to pick the kids up so we could hopefully get home before 10pm on a Friday night. Then off again early Saturday to return to the semifinal matches- maybe home by 2 or 3pm. the weak team's coaches often were done by early afternoon Friday at the latest. One fond memory stands out- end of season advanced to the regional(4 in the whole state of Texas after the completion of the conference champs) final(the next day). Our team bus pulled in and we headed en mass to the football stadium. Our principal who supported tennis made sure to announce on the PA that we had won and were headed to the finals tomorrow. Our kids(me too) were pretty much over the moon by this point. We lost a tough one by 9-8 the next day. The match took about 6 hours Had we won, we would have been top 4 in the state that year at 6A. As it was we were top 8 in team tennis. just reminiscing :wink:

How did your UD's golf team do back in the 90's in your playing days?
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