East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by hensfan40yrs »

Delaware football often leaves fans wondering when—or if—the glory days will return. Pretty much sums it up tho
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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by Cluck U »

UD '01 grad wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:11 am My main point in sharing is that you can replace maybe 10 words and both articles can apply to 85-90 percent of the programs in the country.
:lol: Fun experiment...and the results were pretty predictable. Well done, UD01!

Not sure why people get upset about Delaware being mentioned as a non-A-list program. We have never been an A-list program...and it takes time for a program to recover from the Lost Decade of Delaware Football.

Sure, we had three winning seasons in a row. But, that was in a blah conference, with two playoff appearances in which we got clobbered while bowing out. It also doesn't help that we were ineligible for the playoffs this past year, which means plenty of casual sports writers would think means we were not good enough (instead of ineligible). We just haven't beaten a lot of winning teams (for over 10 years), so plenty of people would not think of Delaware as a, "winning school."

And, to expect a writer, especially one who is putting out an article about scouting a player, to know everything about each player and their team is silly. These types of articles are simply click generators with writers trying to get readers to think they've found a jewel/near jewel while also hedging their bets so that they don't look like a fool for focusing on someone that won't make the cut. Traditional fodder for the football junkies. No biggie...no reason to get upset.

Plenty of good things to focus on. Ty had a good week and has given himself a chance. And, for some high school or transfer kids, maybe seeing Ty's connection to UD will let them see a "small school" kid can play large and get a shot at playing at the next level.
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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by 77HEN »

I just think it was cool that Ty got an INT on his very first play on the field (Cowboys AT&T field!). I like his haircut and I love to see that helmet out there with the rest. To me, that helmet is a cool thing with its metallic royal blue, much better looking than the Big Blue helmet. The Middlebury blue/white helmet is same design but not beautiful like a Blue Hen helmet. Go Hens! Wishing Marcus all the best in his Senior Bowl game tomorrow.
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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by 2TrueBlue »

I am not bound to please thee with my answers.

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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by Udforever1 »

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Re: East-West Shine Bowl - Ty Herring

Post by HenZoneNation »

The Dude Abides!
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